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Communication Differences Relating to Gender

Submitted by afeltrin on Wed, 02/20/2019 - 20:20

In relation to language ideologies, I think these ideologies definitely mediate social structures and individual speech acts. Upbringing and the biases we develop play a role in how we talk, as in words we use, or slang, or language based on who we are talking to. I feel like effective communication really only 100% works with people of the same gender speaking. Girls typically hold the same beliefs regarding socialization—that sticking to pairs or small groups is preferred and that friendships are built upon secrets shared. Boys do more movement-related things as opposed to really talking. But, when they do talk, they talk about common interests like sports or games. Men don’t really talk through issues with each other, but they still overcome them. Women talk it out at length and overcome problems together. When you look at men and women communicating, it’s more of a challenge. For a relationship to work well in a woman’s perspective, conversation should always be happening and they should be talking things out. For men, a relationship is working out when they don’t have to keep talking things over.
