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Bio Discussion on Gene editing and artificial selection in humans pt 2 Inability to control

Submitted by cbbailey on Wed, 02/13/2019 - 14:47

The second reason I believe that we shouldnt try to restrict this type of artificial selection is that we have very little way of stopping this artificial selection from occuring. In our modern day society, artificial selection already takes place at some levels, two examples being the mention of pregnacies being terminated due to certain genetic diseases being ddiscovered about the child as well as In the BBC article a couple specifically selected genes from a family with a long history of genetic deafness in order to have a deaf child.Even without the convervesial methods of gene editting, artificaill selection still occurs in our modern day world quite frequently, trying to limit the technology will only result in it being developed in different reguons of the world were it is accepted resulting in uus having less information and regulatory power over it to prevent it from being misused. Regardless if we allow this to procced, gene editing technology will continue to develop elsewhere and wilil eventually make its way back into society, potentially in an underground market which would allows us almost no power to enforces safty standards and safe practices. 
