Vertebrates and invertebrates have different structures that allow them to respire in water. Gills are a common structure that help an organism respire. Gills are respiratory sturctures that are fan like shapes with thin cuticular walls. Both vertebrates and invertebrates have gill like structures. Mostly all of the fish in the ocean are equipped with gills. As for invertebrates, many marine worms have gill like structures. As for other marine invertebrates, Echinoderms have thin walled gills that are extensions of body cavities. Sea cucumbers have respiratory trees and clams have gills that are aided by flagella. Some of these structures are much more efficeint than others. The more active the organism typically the more effiecnt the respiratory system is. Marine vertebrates typically have a set of structures that include an operculum, gill arches, filaments, and lamella. The operculum is the gill cover which provides protection. The lamella help with the diffusion of oxygen between water and blood.
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