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LSD and Brain Signaling

Submitted by alanhu on Wed, 02/13/2019 - 09:23

There wasn’t much knowledge on what LSD does to the brain. Using an MRI, scientists observed how LSD can change the brain. Participants of the experiment were either given the drug or a placebo. Then a comparison between the two was made. Scientists examined the and compared the connectivity between the two brains. The CNS was looked at which includes the brain and the spinal cord. It was found that there was more information being sent between the thalamus to the posterior cingulate cortex. There was a decrease of information being sent to the temporal cortex. Depressive orders were found to have a high level of signaling between the thalamus and the temporal cortex. Since it was found that LSD can slow down the signaling to the temporal cortex, LSD might be considered as a medication for depressive disorders.
