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Birth Assistance in Humans

Submitted by sfairfield on Tue, 02/12/2019 - 20:51

As a result of the more strenuous birth process humans often require assistance from others during childbirth to avoid complications, while most non-human primates give birth alone with relatively little difficulty. The assistance is necessary because the physically painful and exhausting process of overcoming the passing of a relatively large infant through the narrow birth canal can result in medical issues for both the mother and child. In addition, the fact that babies rotate to pass through the canal means they exit face down, thus making it difficult for the mother alone to remove the child without risking spine injury. Because the task of childbirth can be so physically intense or even dangerous, it can also be emotionally daunting, which also gives rise to the desire for support from others. In addition, because childbirth is often viewed as an momentous event, many cultures view the presence of close relatives or other community members as necessary to help guide the mother and properly welcome the new child.
