The universe is diverse and vast including planets, galaxies, stars, moons, and most evidently, the sun. The gravitational center of the universe resides in the sun, which is the center of the solar system. The gravitational forces from the sun execute the positions of planets in their orbits that orbit the sun. In addition, the sun constantly emits heat as the surface of plasma is 5,800 degrees kelvin. The heat comes from the sun’s core made up of mostly hydrogen that contains about a third of the sun’s mass. Hence, the temperature is even higher of about 15,000,000 degrees kelvin. Within the core, the hydrogen turns into helium, which then causes a fusion that results in heat escaping the surface of the sun. This heat escapes the sun as electromagnetic radiation that heats the earth’s surface when the waves hit. The radiation includes waves from infrared, ultraviolet, and visible light. The ultraviolet component can be correlated to the causes of sun damage and skin cancer.
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