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Response to "The long and short of hearing in Mosquito, aedes aegypt."

Submitted by cbbailey on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 16:52

This experiment tested both the range as well as frequency and amplitute of the sounds that male mosquitos would react to. It was conducted by starting from one metere away and at 50Hz, play sound for 300 ms and recordign if there was a response. This was reapeated 16 tiems for each frequency and was tested in 1-- Hz incramintes up to 2050 Hz. This was then repeated for 4 different amplitudes at the same distance and then the whole experiment was repeated twicewit hthe sound at distances 5M and 10M. The results of this showed that there were responses at certain frequncies  at all of the distances even 10M. This is a big deal due to the fact that the previous assumtion was that hair based auditory organs were only functional up to 10s of centimeters. This experiment shows us one of these auditory organs functioning at 10 meteres away. This discovery is exciting due to the fact thatt it opens up a whole new area for microphonedesign at a potentially much smaller size that current microphone tech allows.


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