The ergot theory, which is presented in the video “The Witches Curse,” suggests that ergot played a role during the Salem Witch Trials. An event that led to the prosecution and deaths of multiple people who were accused of being witches. Linnda Caporeal claims that ergot, which is a fungus that grows on grains, led to the bizarre behavior which was exhibited in those who were said to be bewitched. Ergot releases a toxin that leads to the disease, ergotism, and has multiple types of symptoms that consist of hallucinations, gangrene limbs, and strange behavior. This disease not only affects humans but can affect animals as well. Caporeal pointed out various similarities between the disease and the bewitchment victims that linked ergot to the trials. This theory provides sufficient evidence in order to make it a plausible explanation for what had happened during the year of 1692.
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