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Human Genome Analysis: My Genetics (Draft 2)
On my mother’s side my grandfather was Palestinian and my grandmother was American-born to parents of German descent who likely had Danish origins further down the line. Going back about 500 years or more, the Palestinian side has some possible connections to Syria and/or Yemen. There is some speculation that there may also be some Russian or Greek heritage, based on some Greek Orthodox backgrounds and the fact that my mother’s grandmother had a Greek name. A significant portion of my genetic ancestry is Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern, and I think my phenotypes reflect this. I inherited my father’s dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows, and light olive skin that rarely burns and tans easily; all very common traits in that region of the world. From my mother’s side I got my round face and my wavy/curly hair. My hair color is an medium/dark brown, an intermediate between my father’s black hair and my mother’s light brown hair.
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