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Sleep Deprivation and Pain

Submitted by alanhu on Wed, 01/30/2019 - 21:35

The article from Neuroscience News ( explained the consequences of not having enough sleep and how that affects pain sensitivity. Researches were attempting to find out if sleep was necessary for a full recovery. Their main focus was on how to make the hospital a better place for people to recover better. The study that was conducted was a behavioral intervention. The researches put heating pads on the participants lower legs and measured their brain activity with an fMRI. The somatosensory cortex, which is the part of the brain where pain signals were received showed a 126% increase when the participant did not get a full nights rest. My question is that the knowledge is used to discharge patients back to their homes to allow for fuller nights rest due to the fact that the hospitals are too loud to induce sleep. If that is the case would it still take just as long for the patient to get well enough to be discharged from the hospital?
