An initial procedure utilizing UV radiation was performed on two plates of yeast cultures. The two plates were exposed to the UV light for different time restraints—10 seconds for one plate, 13 seconds for the other. Due to having no mutant results, UV mutagenesis was performed on a larger culture of yeast, exposing them for less time and then incubating them, allowing for the red mutants to grow (a and α). HA1, HA2, MA1, MA2, and HAO were streaked using toothpicks opposite HB1, HB2, MB2, MB4, and HBO on a YED plate and left to incubate. The following day, the streaks were mated in the designated grids created on the plate. The YED plate incubated for five days, and was replica plated onto an MV plate and an MV plus adenine plate on November 8. The following day, the results were observed.
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