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Week4 Draft1

Submitted by mqpham on Mon, 02/11/2019 - 16:59

Light is made up of photons. Photons, much like electrons, have are both wave and particle at once. However, the difference between them is that a photon does not have any mass, but electrons do. Once a single photon or elecron is released from its source, it instantaneously changes its behavior as a particle and becomes a wave. Waves do interact with themselves, and as it turns out, so do photons and electrons. Waves will combine and change its amplitude in certain locations, but once the wave has an interaction with another material, the wave all at once becomes a particle. An analogy to this duality is observed in viruses, the debate continues between whether a virus is or is not a living organism. It has characteristics of both living and non-living things. For example, it reproduces with genetic material, however, it does not metabolize. Like so, photons and electrons share properties of both waves and particles.
