DNA tests can be a really cool way to learn more about yourself. They can give you insight into your ancestry and DNA. However, there are things to be wary about when taking DNA tests. In my class, Human Genome Analysis, our professor played us this video about the truths of DNA testing and continued on to share his personal stories with DNA testing. In the video, the lady discussed that people will end up contacting you whether you want them to or not. I find this very fascinating because you can find out so many things about ancestors that you didn’t even know existed. However, others may not find this as cool because they might not want to know secrets about their families. DNA testing has gotten so much better over the years and its ability to accurately pinpoint where your family is from is amazing. It used to just tell you your family is from Europe but now it has the ability to tell you where precisely in Europe your family is from and such. Testing my DNA and finding out where I am from is such an exciting experience and I cannot wait to see where my family is from.
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