Everybody has a different approach when it comes to studying for an exam. Some people will take weeks before an exam and study bits and pieces until the day of the exam, and others will wait until the day of the exam to start studying. It starts to beg the question, which method is the ‘correct’ method? Research has actually shown that on average, studying 4 to 6 days in advance for any exam is most likely the best way to study for an exam. The first 3 to 4 days are used to study the material in parts, and by the end of the 3rd or 4th day, all the material will have been sufficiently reviewed. Come the following 5th and 6th day, those days are used as days to comprehensively review the material. The reason why research supports this method of studying, is because of the amount of sleep that a student is able to get in between each study session. The amount of sleep a student gets in between learning material plays a huge role in memory and retention. By being able to sleep multiple nights between comprehensive material, the student is able to understand and remember the information a lot better than if they were to cram the night before. The reason why you don’t want too many nights in between during studying though, is because the brain does eventually forget information, especially if it isn’t being used on a daily basis. With that said, studying anymore than 6 days ahead of an exam can actually work against your favor as you begin to start to forget some things you learned at the very beginning.
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