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Research Proposal Design 1

Submitted by ewinter on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 16:20

There will be nine observational conditions: (1) ‘time of day’ recorded as 6:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00; (2) ‘weather’ recorded as either ‘sun,’ ‘clouds,’ or ‘precipitation; (3) ‘temperature’ recorded to the nearest degree Celsius by the Wadsworth control service at UMass Amherst. (4) ‘number of humans passing per minute’ will be recorded by standing at the minuteman statue on the west side of the campus pond and counting the number of humans passing by in either direction in a one minute timeframe; (5) ‘number of Branta canadensis’ will be the number of visible Branta canadensis when standing at the minuteman statue; (6) ‘day of week’ will be recorded as ‘Mon’ ‘Tu’ ‘Wed’ ‘Thu’ ‘Fri’ ‘Sat’ ‘Sun,’ (7) ‘number of Anas platyrhynchos’ will be recorded as the number of visible Anas platyrhynchos observed when standing at the minuteman statue; (8) ‘location’ will be the quadrant in which the majority of Anas platyrhynchos are located on the pond or on land and will be recorded as either ‘A’ the northwest, ‘B’ the northeast, ‘C’ the southwest, or ‘D’ the southeast; (9) ‘fountain’ will be recorded as ‘on’ if the pond fountains are on, or as ‘off’ if they are off. Each of the nine groups will be assigned a time of day (6:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, or 22:00), and will collect data for each condition at that time of day for the two week period of April 7, 2019 to April 21, 2019.
