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public health intro

Submitted by rdigregorio on Thu, 03/07/2019 - 11:54

My name is Ryan DiGregorio and I am a freshman here at UMass Amherst. I am on the pre-med track but my major is undecided. I am from Norton, Massachusetts which is in eastern mass. Things that I do in my spare time are usually based around sports and friends. I play baseball or another sport if my friends want, and when I’m not playing sports I am just hanging out with my friends. My favorite thing about UMass Amherst so far has been how diverse it is. My home town is small and not very diverse so this definitely something new and exciting to me. Some important strengths of my generation are staying informed and being tech savvy. Something that i think our generation needs to improve on is focusing on the future. I feel as though people focus too much on what is happening now and not what the effect on their future will be.  

