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Project Abstract

Submitted by cslavin on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 16:30

Modern gene therapy tools have the potential to treat diseases through gene editing. Deadly diseases in the human genome could be eliminated or minimized. However, the technology could easily be abused. Therefore, countries have been banning research on gene editing to maintain safety and for other ethical reasons. The goal of this study was to gain perspective about the opinions students have on gene editing. For our project, we surveyed 40 students attending the Univeristy of Massachusetts Amherts about the ethics of gene therapy. The survey consisted of 10 questions, and the results of these surveys were assembled into pie charts. The results showed that most people were neutral or agreed that using gene therapy to genetically modicy genes is ethical. The majory also agreed that gene editing is not ethical when used for self-satisfaction and that people would use this technology for selfish purposes if it was normalized. 
