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Poster Assessment Activity

Submitted by sditelberg on Mon, 04/15/2019 - 16:18

This poster has an attractive design and includes cooler-toned colors such as blues, white, and black. It has a light blue background, however, each section is set in white boxes with navy blue headings. Text for headings is visualized in bold white, allowing the observer to clearly see the contents of each section. The layout of the poster has an intuitive flow and images are spaced throughout respective sections with appropriate and clear labeling. Images are more rainbow-colored or gray, allowing them to stand out from the background colors of the poster. A Helvetica-style font was used in poster construction with important descriptors in bold, such as headings (white) and main text (black). The font size for the body of the poster is sufficient, however, there is not a great distinction between heading and body font size. A larger text size would be useful in highlighting the contents of each section.
