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Poster Assessment 1

Submitted by nalexandroum on Thu, 04/18/2019 - 14:48

In terms of design, the poster is neatly arranged, with a minimal color palette and layout that makes it easy to read and easy on the eyes. The left side of the poster is taken up the main chunk of text that is broken up by sub-headings and three graphs and and two tables, whereas the right side of the poster is almost entirely figures with the “References” and “Acknowledgements” sections at the bottom. There is consistency an intentionality behind the placement of all the objects and the way they are lined up. The only color besides gray and navy is in the figures on the right side of the poster, which have red, blue, green and lavender/pink elements. Both sections of Figure 4 have a gray background, whereas Figure 1 has a white background. Figures 2 and 3, which are integrated into the text on the left side of the poster have navy blue elements, while Tables 1 and 2—also integrated into the text—are in varying shades of light gray. The main title and the headings for each main section (Introduction, Results, and Conclusion) are white text on a medium-gray background, and the authors names and affiliations are black text on a light gray background. The text is a legible size and sans-serif font. The title is the largest, with the headings and subheadings that are slightly smaller. The title is in title case and the headings for the Introduction, Results, and Conclusion are all in uppercase only, while the subheadings are in a slightly different font and are bolded.
