This organism is estimated to be 1.5 cm in length, and about 5 mm wide. It has translucent tan skin that appears oily. It is split into nine sections. It has two red structures that resemble eyes on a flat surface of circular nature, which is believed to be the head, and a pointed dark structure that resembles a tail. The slight dark color that is evident through the skin of the tail is hypothesized to be fecal matter. The organism moves using both transverse and longitudinal waves, that propagate from the head to the tail. The direction of motion is with the tail at the front, which is used for grip. It prefers to move on the perimeter of its circular enclosure. The organism experienced about a 1.5 in. fall when the enclosure was inverted, and it remained rigid for approximately 30 seconds, resembling a state of shock, before resuming regular movement. At a later point, the enclosure was violently shaken, and the same shock phenomenon occurred. Through the skin, a dark long discoloration is thought to be a spine, and lighter muscles are observed.
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