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Organism description/observations (Draft)

Submitted by ncarbone on Fri, 01/25/2019 - 15:18

The first thing that I notice about this organism is the segmented body it has. It is broken down into about 15 or so segments and each segment has one brown spot on each side of every individual segment. On one end of its body there is a dark brown head that does not appear to have eyes. The way it moves its head around makes it appear as if it is sensing its surroundings before moving. Perhaps it is blind or has poor vision, so it relies on sensing. When it does move it uses its segments to thrust forward and grabs on with it front legs. It has 6 front legs/feet and 8 mid feet that appear to be used for grip. The tail also has 2 grippers on the end. Despite these gripper feet it cannot seem to gain traction on the plastic container. It looks like a larvae of some sort, so perhaps it is only in it's inital life stage and could eventually morph into it's next life stage similar to a catipillar and a butterfly.
