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Observations and Inferences

Submitted by sditelberg on Wed, 02/13/2019 - 18:51

During the winter season, I often walk by the campus pond on my way to classes along the path from the ILC to the Fine Arts Center. This path is typically surrounded by numerous flocks of geese feeding on grass, and I make multiple observations and inferences as I pass through. Regardless of my distance from the geese, I observe crescendos of honking as I walk along this path. On days I happen to pass closer to the flocks, I observe approximately one goose per flock stop feeding on the grass and crane its neck upwards. On days I pass further away from the flock, I do not observe this behavior. When this behavior occurs, the rest of the flock continues eating. I have also observed that if I make eye contact with this goose, some additional geese in the flock pause their feeding and start to turn towards me as well. From these objective observations, I infer that the goose craning its neck is in charge of the flock in some way, perhaps the alpha male, and is on guard in case I come too close.
