The image quality also differs between the two figures and images are clearer in the original figure than the replicate. The images in the original figure also take up most of the frame whereas in the replicate, there is more background space. The background setting of the images in each figure also differs slightly. In the original figure, the individual goose is standing on snow, the individual duck is standing on ice, and the interaction shows both species half swimming on water and half standing on ice. In the replicate figure, the individual goose is standing on snow, but there is a tree and other geese in the background. The individual duck is standing in a muddy terrain, and the interaction depicts both species swimming in the water and standing on snow with two benches in the foreground.
There are also subtle differences between the two compilations that become apparent upon closer examination. In the replicated figure, the letter labels are not centered within each white square like in the original. There is also a black line running in the center portion close to the top edge of the interaction image in the replicate figure, a marking that the original figure does not have. A third quality the replicated figure possesses that the original figure does not have includes green borders around each white square label.
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