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Methods Intro 3

Submitted by sfairfield on Thu, 02/28/2019 - 23:10

There were control factors I had to consider when writing my methods. The first was the day of the week and time of day, due to Durfee Conservatory only being open Monday through Friday from 10AM to 4PM. The location of the photographer, orientation of the camera, and framing of the subject were also relevant factors, due to the various angles from which my species could be captured, necessitating that I be specific about where the photographs were taken from and how they were taken in order to ensure the replicate images would be as similar as possible. In addition, the particular digital program I used to create the figure needed to be relayed because so many of the details involved in the production were specific to inkscape, and would likely not carry over to a different program. Within the editing software, I had to control for the size, color, and placement of all of the components of the figure, including the photographs, the labels, the arrows, and the background.
