The fact that the trees in the pictures look completely different is that they are different tree species. This difference came from a lack of scientific naming in the methods resulting in it being impossible for the replicator to determine the species of tree I originally shot. The lack of Ivy on the tree in the replica is most likely due the area that our specimen being too far away to be accessed by the replicator. While the original example was on campus and accessible, I decided to switch it out for a better example I found off campus resulting in the methods not explaining where one could find this interaction on campus. The difference in the background can be explained by the difference in the weather when the pictures were taken. In the original there is was very little snow in the pictures due to the pictures being taken after a couple of warm days while the replicate was taken after heavy snowfall. The difference in the size of the trees was most likely due to the photo being taken at different distances. Since the replicate is a different tree in a different location, the replicate tree was not able to photographed from up close due to the snow around it. This factor also resulted in the difference of the angle in the shot since it would be impossible to capture the specimen from a much greater distance using the same angle that I had used in the original.
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