The first method used was finding the height of the library using a ruler and measuring it up to the white line of the library. The library has about ten white lines throughout. The first white line is around half the size of the following white lines. So for the calculations the first white line half the rest. The measurement we got for the first white line was then multiplied accordingly. A ruler was used for this measurement, the width and length were then measured by placing a ruler on the ground from one end to the next. The ruler was a meter stick.
The next way the library was measured was by measuring a square that was along the side of the library. The square was fairly large and started along the side of the library, and another ended at the other side of the library. For this measurement a meter stick was also used and the length of a square was measured. The amount of squares that were on the floor of the library were then counted and multiplied by the length. This measurement gave us the width and the length. In order to calculate the height of the library we measured a window that took up the majority of one of the floors. After that we counted how many windows there were going up the library. We multiplied this number times the length of a window in order to calculate the height of the library.
The other method that was used was to measure the height of someone then the person's height was used in reference to the white line that surrounds the building. Then this height was multiplied accordingly. In order to find the width and the length of the library we measured the size of a person’s foot. Then the same person walked along the library one foot in front of the other in order to count how many steps it took them to walk along. This was then multplied by the size of their foot.
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