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Inferences VS. Observations in class activity

Submitted by rdigregorio on Fri, 02/15/2019 - 15:02

Slide 22:


  • Pictures in the diagram on the left are closer than the ones on the right

    • This could be for the purpose of a better look at the leaves or because the camera wasn't as good

  • There is a hand in image A on the left but no hand in any other image

    • The ruler must of had to be moved, it could have been out of the picture initially because the zoom is different

  • The sizing of images A and C on the right are the same while on the left photos B and C are the same

    • The camera orientation could have been different, or this organization is more appealing to look at

  • The coloring appears different between the two diagrams

    • All the pictures on the left are brighter than the right

    • This could be purposeful as to make for better observation or the position of the camera could have been under a light.

    • It's possible the flash was used as well

There are quite a few differences between the diagram of images on the right versus the diagram of images on the left, one of which is that the images on the left are a lot closer up. This could be due to the zooming effect of the camera. Different cameras have different auto zooms so this could have played a role. This could be on purpose to show more observations at a closer view. This also could have had ripple effects, such as the light changing because of the angle of the picture, and the colors looking different. Also, becasue of the fact that it's a closer picture and there has to be a ruler in the picture for size, the ruler had to be moved which casues a hand to be in the picture in the figure on the left.
