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"I Can Pay You in Exposure"

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 10:31

    Photoshop, Lightroom, Ableton, Microsoft Office, all of these programs require hefty prices in order to gain accessibility to these programs. These programs are just a few examples of the core programs required for career options such as photography, music, creating a startup, and more. A lot of these career options that are in the “art” category of career choices, are often overlooked at as “payable via exposure”. What this means, is that instead of people paying money in order to play someone’s music or show someone’s art at their restaurant or exposition, they instead offer “exposure” as if that completely covers all monetary requirements to keep paying for these programs, as well as their need for shelter and food. To give an idea as to how expensive these programs are, Photoshop and Lightroom can be bought as a package for 11$/month, but you can never own the programs; meaning the programs must always be bought off every month and this fee will always exist. Ableton for the LITE version (the version with the least add-ons) costs $400, while the pro version costs $1100+. Microsoft Office can cost anywhere between $240 to $440. These costs are expensive and to “give exposure” as if it’s enough, is evidently not enough purely based on exposure alone.

