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How Much is Enough?

Submitted by tokiokobayas on Thu, 03/28/2019 - 17:36

    There was a blind study that was done in order to test whether or not employers are being too harsh with their evaluations in terms of hiring new members via their resumes. The study was performed by gathering a sample size of 10 CEOs/presidents/or managers from various companies, and each one of these people were given 10 different resumes. Each resume had the name, birthdays, schools, and years attended changed without the 10 subjects knowing. Each subject was to evaluate each resume and decide whether or not the applicant would have a shot at a job in their company, without knowing what the other subjects’ decisions were. Out of the 100 total evaluations, only 12% of the resumes were passed as a possible candidate for their companies. The real resumes of each applicant were then revealed, and each resume was the first resume each subject had used in real life in order to start working at their respective companies. The study clearly demonstrated that the expectations for new workers have significantly increased, and that the subjects were possibly “not giving people enough of a chance”. In the end, the study demonstrated the failure of resumes, and how they are a very inaccurate method of representing someone’s ability to work, as well as how the expectations of current society has increased significantly for new workers.
