The people who deny global warming do not propose solutions. They deny the fact that humans have an impact on global warming, so they do not propose ways for people to correct it. Often, they take away from the bills and laws people pass to try and lessen global warming. This is happening with the current president. President Trump is a global warming denier, he thinks that the solutions Obama had passed is waste of money. This will have a profound impact upon the earth. “President Donald Trump's planned climate change policies could lead to an extra half a billion tons of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by 2025, according to a new analysis.” So, this solution for climate change would just take away from all the solutions of the other side. The solutions for the climate change people are to have a cleaner planet. Being a more sustainable society and having renewable energy is the best solution. For the people who oppose the idea that humans have a large impact on climate change, all the solutions seem like a waste of money. So, the solution of the government depend on who has power.
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