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ECG abnormalities

Submitted by cslavin on Tue, 03/26/2019 - 16:45

Electrocardiograms measure the electrical impulse of the heart. There are 5 different intervals: p, q,r,s, and t. The p wave is a measure of the atrial depolarization. Q, R, and S are thought of as the QRS complex, which measures ventricular depolarization and also atrial repolarization. Becasue ventrical depolarization is more powerful, the atrial repolarization cannot be seen easily. The t wave represents ventrical repolarization. To calculate heart rate from an ECG, you divide 1,5000 by the number of boxes inbetween the two R intervals. A normal heart rate is between 60 and 100 bpm. When the heart rate is below 60 it is called bradycardia, and when the heart rate is above 100 it is called trachycardia. There are many abnormalities that cause an ECG to appear funky. An AV blockage can cause the ECG to appear like the p wave is moving around or like it is missing an QRS complex. Right bundle branch blockage (RBBB) can make the R intervals appear to be next to each other. Left bundle branch blockage (LBBB) can cause the S wave to appear like abnormal. Preventricular contraction (PVC) can cause random abnormalities through out the entire ECG. Left ventricular hypertension can cause the S segment to appear extremely long. Right ventricular hypertension can cause the R segment to be extremely elongated. 



Although this paragraph has a lot of good information, it could use some work with organization. I'd recommend reorganizing some of the sentences to flow better and have pieces of information connect off one another. 

These variables are written as lower and upper case. Standardizing upper or lower case would add consistency throughout the paragraph.

I would avoid starting your sentences with "because". "Because" is usually used between two clauses. You used it here, "Becasue ventrical depolarization is more powerful, the atrial repolarization cannot be seen easily."