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Draft: Part 1 of Lab 2 Methods

Submitted by aspark on Tue, 03/19/2019 - 12:57

The unknown DNA sequence was saved as “AHP - Gene Sequence” as a text file on Microsoft Word and translated using the Bioline Six-Frame Translation website with the following settings: Output: 20 amino acids in one line, code: one letter, frame number: all. The whole map under “Sequences alignment” was copied, pasted into a new document, and saved as “AHP, Angela Park - Working Map File” in Microsoft word format, changing the font to 10 point Courier and the side margins to 0.7”. In order to obtain predictions of its structure, protein sequence, and coding sequence, the unknown sequence was then ran in the FGENESH website, selecting “Brachypodium distachyon” as the organism and choosing “print exon sequences for predicted genes” in “Advanced options” to get sequences of all the predicted exons separately. The diagram under “Show picture of predicted genes in a pdf file” was saved as “FGENESH Prediction Diagram - AHP.” The protein and coding sequences were then separately saved into new text files as “FGENESH Protein Sequence Prediction - AHP” and “FGENESH CDS Prediction - AHP” respectively.  

