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DNA Extraction and Quantification Results

Submitted by ewinter on Wed, 02/06/2019 - 11:09

The average concentration of the two trials of RNase treated samples is 336.75 ng/uL, the average 260/280 ratio is 1.60, and the average 260/230 ratio is 0.60 [Fig. 1].  The average concentration of the two trials without RNase treatment is 292.05 ng/uL, the average 260/280 ratio is 2.05, and the average 260/230 ratio is 1.57 [Fig. 2].  The average concentration of all four trials is 314.4 ng/uL.  This means in the original 50 uL of solution, there were 15,720 ng of DNA. 

Looking at Figure 3, lane 1 contains a visualized DNA ladder while lane 2 does not.  Lanes 3 and 4, the RNase treated samples, show two bright bands of slightly over 10,000 base pairs in length and no difference in intensity between the diluted and undiluted samples.  Lanes 5 and 6, the untreated samples, show these same two bands, although in the ½ dilution this band is noticeably fainter.  In lanes 5 and 6, there are large discolorations spanning the range of 0 to 500 base pairs, and in the diluted sample, it is noticeably fainter.
