To create my figure, I used Sustainable Umass as a source, which I found by using a search engine and typing in “trees of Umass Amherst”. A link should appear labeled “campus tree finder” I clicked on the link and there was a map of all the trees on campus. I retraced my step, located lot 43 and was able to zoom in to the tree that I was observing. I located lot 43, by clicking on the fourth icon on the bottom left hand side that is for “my location”. I took a screenshot of that map section and cropped the image into a 15.5 in x 9 in image so that it is zoomed in enough to see the location of the tree, part of the parking lot and the Arnold house. I then used a black marker (an arrow) to signify what the image was dictating that was pointing at the green circle that identified the Crab Cutleaf tree.
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