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Complementation and Mutation in Yeast Cells Abstract

Submitted by kwarny on Wed, 02/27/2019 - 11:20

In this experiment, we explored the phenomenon of genetic complementation in yeast cells, saccharomyces cerevisiae, through mating. Within the procedure, we observed the yeasts’ entire life cycle- including the development of diploids and haploids, the process of gene complementation by mating and the impact of mutations due to specific external environments. In this experiment, exposure to UV radiation was used as a method to produce mutations in haploid yeast cells. The collected data include a simple cross between different mating yeast cells on a YED plate and then an MV plate through replication. In addition, the growth of meiosis and sporulation occur as we designed and performed a complementation test. The results further demonstrate the various genotypes and phenotypes of each parent and each offspring yeast cell.

