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Blood Pressure and Brain Volume

Submitted by alanhu on Thu, 02/14/2019 - 17:21

A correlational study was conducted in attempt to see if blood pressure and brain volume are correlated. A MRI, which stands for magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure volume of the brain along with the blood pressure. Younger individuals presented a lower brain volume. The findings were concerning due to the fact that the participants were healthy. Which lead to the questions of if there were any other indications that could lead to a lower brain volume. The study that was conducted was a correlational study and we have to keep in mind that correlation does not cause causation. Though the brain is important to the body because all functions are based off the brain. The brain is part of the central nervous system (CNS) and the CNS is important for integrating information that is obtained and use it. The gray matter that is developed in the brain is where the neurons are housed and if having less of the gray matter could affect daily functions.



I would replace the word "correlated" at the end of the first sentence to avoid sounding too repetitive. In the second sentence, you could rephrase the beginning as "A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan" to improve on sentence flow.

I would define what age parameters "younger" fits under

You use too much "that" and "which" in your paragraph. It is better to use other transitioning words.