Our method was to study two feeders; one feeder is in an area that experiences a moderate level of human traffic while the other is on a trail that experiences relatively low human traffic on a daily basis. We wanted to test out whether human traffic would affect the number of birds that were coming to each feeder; we tried to do our data collections around the same time in order to ensure that time would not be a determining factor; however, there was a margin of human error in the form that we all went when we were able to fit the visit into our schedule. Our experimental sites were at the Silvan parking lots forest bird feeder and the forest bird feeder at the path that leads to Orchard Hill. We chose those sites because they are within walking distance from where everyone lives. We plan on conducting our experiments at least four times a week until April 11, a week before the project is due. We plan on observing bird competition on different days and different times in order to avoid pseudoreplication. We have two sites; they are not that far apart so we will most likely have to find another site because if we use our current two we run a high risk of pseudoreplication. We will also do a variety of individuals and pairs when it comes to data collection; during the pair collection ideally, you collect data individually just to ensure randomization of data.
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