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Submitted by sditelberg on Thu, 04/11/2019 - 20:42

The first biome has a climate diagram similar to that of a tropical rainforest or savanna on Earth, although there are a few key differences. The temperature pattern throughout the year ranges from about 5℃ in the winter months to about 25℃ in the summer months. The precipitation pattern is high throughout the year but drops significantly during the summer months. In a tropical rainforest biome on Earth, there is high precipitation throughout the year but a period of low precipitation in the summer, much like Biome 1 on the mystery planet. Also like Biome 1, the temperature pattern in a tropical rainforest or savanna is relatively constant throughout the year, the values just differ greatly. Based on the temperature values as well as the precipitation pattern, I would expect Biome 1 to be located close to the equator of this planet, provided the planet is farther away from the Sun than Earth is in its solar system, since the temperature range is closer to what would be found in Earth’s more temperate zones. Due to the precipitation pattern, I would expect the vegetation to be similar to the vegetation in Earth’s tropical rainforest biome. However, due to the temperature pattern, I would expect the vegetation to be similar to Earth’s temperate shrubland biome. Therefore, I would expect this biome to have vegetation with lots of foliage due to the precipitation, but I would also expect the vegetation to be able to withstand colder temperatures. Perhaps these plants would have the hardiness of an evergreen tree but the leaves of tropical trees.
