The Concept of Uneasiness
As I keep writing these varying drafts I’ve slowly started to notice how a lot of my other peers in this course are writing about scientific topics, whether that be about ocean acidification, feathers, the conservation of ecosystems, etc. I’ve started to become uneasy as maybe the possibility exists that I’ve been doing these drafts wrong, even though I’ve read the drafts PDF on Moodle several times and am quite confident I haven’t been doing anything wrong.
It’s quite fascinating that even though I draft about topics that are more similar to journal entries, just because I see other people write about scientific subjects, I feel uneasy about continuing these kinds of drafts. What causes that uneasiness? Why do we have the feeling of uneasiness in the first place?
Is it possible that the feeling of easiness arose as a way for us to signal to ourselves that we’re “out of place”, and that could be a detrimental component to our survivability? It’s interesting to see how biologically speaking we’ve evolved to go with the status quo, when nowadays it’s praised to go against it. Is it possible that we would eventually evolve to never feel uneasiness anymore, since maybe the future of society condones the idea of conforming to the point where it is more beneficial to not have that trait anymore?
Then again, there are times when having that trait helps us continue to survive. For example, driving down a road with no lights in the middle of night, with no other cars in sights could potentially make you feel uneasy--and that would be for good reason. We are usually taught to make sure we are safe in whatever surroundings we found ourselves in, so it would still beneficial to own some uneasiness in that regard.
To me, it seems that the feelings of uneasiness is similar to pain in the regard that no one wants to feel these feelings, but it’s important to be able to feel both of these sensations for our own survival.
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