Arms Race Between humans and Diseases
The arms race between diseases and the human race will never end. It is something that human kind will always have to deal with. There are certain measures we can take to slow them down that we try and perfect every year. Viruses like the Flu though are quickly evolving which makes it very hard to have and make vaccines and other measures to suppress them. (“The Escape of Pathogens: an evolutionary arms race”) It is important to keep trying to take these measures though as we must try and have as many people as possible not be infected by the disease. The only way to do this is to study the evolutionary processes of these diseases so we are better equipped to fight them. It is at least known for bacteria that we can use anti biotics to treat the diseases even though we constantly have to manipulate them, for viruses this is not the case. (“Antibiotic resistance: delaying the inevitable”) Antibiotics will not kill the viruses and this will just harm you in the long run.
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