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Specific Aims and Background Draft

Submitted by jmalloldiaz on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 09:27

Animals have evolved multiple strategies for blending in with their environments, from the iconic color-changing common chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon), to resembling a bundle of floating seaweed like the leafy seadragon (Phycodurus eques). These strategies are englobed in a broader term known as crypsis, and play an important role in predator-prey interactions for both hiding and hunting. One example of crypsis as a predation strategy is the case of the flower crab spider Misumena vatia. This species is capable of hunting relatively large prey such as bees, with the help of its ability to change color between yellow and white.

Such colors are produced by ommochrome pigments, which are mostly found in the eyes of arthropods, but are also present as granules in the bodies of spiders. The white coloration in these crab spiders is the result of overlapping gunanine and uric acid, which generates type I granules. Meanwhile, the yellow color is produced by type III granules, which combine the reflectance from the white color with other merged granules. A crab spider undergoing color change has a combination of type III and type II granules, which are a transient stage between the yellow and white pigments. - color change mechanism

Draft Post

Submitted by jnduggan on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 22:18

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau explores a civilian’s duty to use their conscience, not pure legislation, to lead their actions.  Thoreau argues that the democracy of his time only makes legislation that grants the wishes of the majority by allowing them to decide what is right and what is wrong.  “Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience then?”. Thoreau then encourages men whose conscience finds certain laws unjust, to voice their disagreement through a number of ways.

Firstly, Thoreau warns men that they may be “treated as enemies” by the state for resisting the unjust laws at all.  He explains that the men deemed “good citizens” are the people who disregard their morals and act only in ways that serve the state, such as soldiers.  The Mexican- American war is a pressing issue during Thoreau’s time, causing him to point to soldiers as main proponents of unjust actions for the state. Thoreau compares these men to the worth of “wood and earth and stones” along with only commanding the same respect as “men of straw or a lump of dirt”.  Thoreau wants to prepare the men that will act justly for the resistance they will face on their journey. Although it may be more convenient to act with the majority, Thoreau believes that he cannot act this way “without disgrace...associated with it”. In this way, some people may be prone to follow the government instead of standing up for their rights.


nutriton pt 2

Submitted by fmillanaj on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 21:12

Protein is another macronutrient necessary to promote the health of the body. The body’s growth, repairing of cells,  and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs are all essential functions of the protein, therefore adequate amounts of protein in the diet is necessary to the optimal function of the body. My current food intake indicates a relatively steady amount of protein in my diet, at approximately 21 percent of the total calories I consume in one day. Overall, based on the two days of documenting my food intake, the main sources of protein are chicken, eggs, fish, and pork. The fish, unfortunately, was fried with batter, making a great source of protein that comes along with unnecessary amounts of fat, so in future meals I know to choose fish that’s steamed or cooked differently.The chicken is chicken breast and the pork was a lean piece of boneless pork chop, both relatively healthy options of protein, low in fat and sodium showing that the quality of the protein intake is quite well. Although those options of poultry and chicken are great, I could aim to expand my options and include beans, and nuts to obtain all the essential amino acids. Red meats, like beef, are excluded from being categorized as a healthy protein for it is much higher in saturated fats4. Harvard School of Public Health reported that the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease increased with increased consumptions of red meats, supported with evidence from a study that shows the risk of dying from cardiovascular increasing by 13 percent with every additional 3-ounce serving of red meat4.


specific aims draft

Submitted by curbano on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 20:37


  1. Determine how different temperatures influence spider web size. Since spiders are an ectothermic species, temperature can have a large influence on behavior and physiological processes in the body. This study is studying how temperature affects spider web production and web size at 10°C, 20°C, and 30°C in containers. Web size was measured by weighing the container with the spider before web production began and then again after 5 days of web production.

  2. Determine best temperature for web production. We expect to observe differences in web weight and production in the three different temperatures. Each spider will be kept in cups with a straw in it to help promote web production. For the 10°C condition, spiders in closed containers will be placed over ice and the ice will be replaced as needed. The spiders in the 20°C condition group will be kept in a room at 20°C. A heat lamp will be used for the 30°C group.


Submitted by amdicicco on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 19:56

The goal of this project is to investigate whether the crab spider shows preference in the substrate it chooses. The preference that will be tested is color and complexity of the background.  It is known that the spider can change its color over the course of several days time from shades of white to yellow or vice versa depending on the spider's location. We will give each spider 2 choices in background color using yellow to white as the control. Other groups of colors that will be tested are dark gray and light grey, white and grey, cyan and green, and red and magenta.



Submitted by amdicicco on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 19:54

Light entering from outside of the tank should also be the same on both sides. To keep this consistent do not place in sunlight, or somewhere that there are shadows. Overhead lights should be used because they will keep the light even on both sides. The lights should remain on 24 hours a day, so the spiders are always able to see the color of the background they are on.


Submitted by amdicicco on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 19:53

To make sure that the spider strictly picks a side based on substrate color is it important to keep all other factors consistent. For example, temperature needs to be kept consistent inside of the tank. To do this, the spiders need to be kept away from windows and housed somewhere there is no breeze. It has been shown that spiders are less active in colder temperatures, so keeping them at room temperature (70°F) is important.

Cell Cycle E2F Restriction Point

Submitted by bthoole on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 12:35

Transcription factors are amongst the proteins that help regulate the cell cycle. The E2F family of transcription factors are required for the cell to progress to the S-phase. The family is involved in the transcription of proteins that are required for the DNA synthesis stage of the cell cycle. The activation of S phase genes is an important checkpoint for the cell because it commits the cell to going through the cell cycle and is the checkpoint referred to as the “point of no return” for this reason. The E2F transcription factor is typically inactivated and bound to the pRB. However, when the cell is going through the cell cycle and is ready to enter the S-phase, Cyclin D promotes the kinases CDK4 and CDK6 to phosphorylate pRB. This causes pRB to no longer bind to E2F and E2F is then capable of functioning. After being released, E2F can transcribe the necessary proteins for S-phase. As E2F is important for the initiation of S-phase, it is also important in the inhibition of the cell cycle. Should an event occur where the cell needs to stop the cell cycle, such as the DNA being damaged, the cell will not commit to the cell cycle. At that stage, allowing E2F transcription would allow the DNA damage to be replicated and passed down. Therefore, the E2F family needs to remain inactive while the cell either fixes the damage or starts cell death. E2F is needed to progress through the cell cycle, but it is closely regulated so that the cell does not start the cell cycle process without the necessary requirements.

Orgo Lab - Benzoin Experiment Discussion Draft Part 3

Submitted by sbrownstein on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 10:40

After recrystallization, TLC tests were run to see if 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol was present in the products. TLC tests are used to determine the number of components in a mixture. The TLC plates tested are displayed in Figure 1. The first TLC plate, on the left of Figure 1, compares the starting material, benzoin, to the crude 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol product. The spot indicating benzoin was larger and had moved across the TLC plate farther, resulting in a larger Rf value, than the spot indicating the crude 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol product. This reveals that benzoin is less polar than 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol. This is due to the carbonyl group that is present in benzoin. 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol obtains an alcohol group in replacement of the carbonyl group on benzoin. This makes the compound more polar and less likely to move across a TLC plate, obtaining a lower Rf value. The second TLC plate, on the right of Figure 1, compares the starting material, benzoin, to the recrystallized 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol product. The spots on the second plate were almost identical to that of the first plate because it is comparing the same compounds. One plate is using crude 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol and the other plate is using purified 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol. Both the crude and recrystallized plates resulted with only one spot in their lane. This confirms that there was only one component in the product, proving that the 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diol product was pure.



Submitted by fmillanaj on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 10:24

Carbohydrates are an essential part of the diet, for it fuels the body and brain with energy. Although it is essential to obtain a sufficient amount of carbohydrate daily, it is also necessary to be aware of the type and amount of carbohydrates consumed. Overconsumption of carbohydrates can not only lead to weight gain due to increased calories, but also an increased blood sugar. When carbohydrates are broken down in the digestive system it becomes glucose. A diet lacking carbohydrates may also yield detrimental effects. As reported by the International Journal of Obesity, although “protein has a similar energy density to carbohydrate” high intakes of protein in place of carbs has the potential to suppress food intake causing ketosis, where the body does not have enough glucose for energy and utilizes stored fat instead1. Based on the averages of the weekend and the weekday nutrients report approximately 50% of my diet’s calories are from carbohydrates, falling in the acceptable macronutrient distribution range of 45 to 65 percent of the total calories. Although the percentage of my carbohydrate intake is deemed acceptable according to the AMDR the sources of the carbohydrate intake is not necessarily healthy or nutrient dense. Based on my nutrients report half or a little less than half of my total sugar comes from added sugars. According to the American Heart Association, a women should consume no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day3. Keeping in mind that 25 grams is the maximum amount, it is recommended by the World Health Organization that the ideal intake of added sugars is less than 5% of one’s total calories3. In order to decrease the amount of added sugars in my diet I must choose foods that aren’t processed with lots of sugars. Added sugars are defined as any sugars or caloric sweeteners added to foods or beverages during processing or preparation. Instead of choosing to eat Quaker’s Chewy Bar as a snack, I could opt for an apple, orange, or some fruit that provides energy but also more nutrients. Not only do these fruits not contain added sugars like the Quaker’s chewy bar, but a medium-sized apple also contains about 4 grams of dietary fiber in addition to the carbohydrates it supplies. Additionally, instead of using granola as a part of  topping for my yogurt, I could use the original cheerios which is a great whole grain option. In comparison to granola, cheerios are minimal in added sugars, for honey and brown sugar is not used in the production process.


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