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Submitted by cgualtieri on Wed, 12/12/2018 - 16:21

The results from this experiment were in accordance with my expected results. When observing the FPDA and PCA plates side by side, there was significantly more penicillium growth on the FPDA agar than the PCA agar. There was growth on approximately 90% of the FPDA plate compared to only about 50% on the PCA plate. The mold on both plates grew outwards in a circular pattern from the point of inoculation with lines radiating outwards from the center. The penicillium on the FPDA plate grew much further away from the center of the agar than it did on the PCA agar. The mold on both plates was green and white colored. The white structures were observed to be hyphae and the green structures were observed to be spores. The penicillium on the FPDA plate was brighter and more vibrantly colored than it was on the PCA plate. The penicillium on the PCA plate was dull and had a brown hue.
