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Fish immunity article draft.

Submitted by mtracy on Wed, 11/28/2018 - 16:41

The article "Protective systems of immunocompetant organs in fishes from different ecological and systematic groups" by Lapivora et al., discusses the different factors which influence how the immune, antioxidant and monooxygenease systems function within fish. The species examined in this study were the Nothern Pike, Zander and Bream. These fish were caught in the tributary of the Rybinsk resivour and placed in aquariums for at least 1 day after catching to reduce stress. Fish were then evicerated, and had their organs (speel, liver and kidneys) frozen. Ratios of organ weight to body weight were taken as a condition factor. Samples of these organs were taken, stains and smears done and mitochondrial fractioning processed. The bream had the most different ratio of immune system cells, while pike and zander were fairly similar. This may be due to their similar diet and overall function. Both the Zander and pike are predetory pirciverous fish. Thus they need higher amounts of immune system cells to protect against infection which may be obtained from prey they eat. Bream however are more sedentary and benthophagic, thus this increased immune system is not as necessary.
