There is another form of parthogenesis used by fish in order to reproduce. This form is called hybridogenesis and is also used by monocha-lucida fish. During this process a diploid ML female will produce a haploid M egg. A haploid L sperm will join with the egg, though a female is always produced by this process. However once fully maturing as an adult, the paternal portion of the genes is discarded and the female will once again only produce haploid M eggs, and the cycle repeats.
Other fish use a variety of methods to attract their mates. For instance, some will have physical traits which monopolize on certain behaviors of the other sex. For example, many female fish carry their eggs in their mouths for safety, even before fertilization. Males of this species may produce structures on the ends of their fins which mimic the appearence of eggs. The female will therefore attempt to carry the mimic eggs in its mouth, at which time the male will fertilize the eggs already in the females mouth.
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