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Submitted by mtracy on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 18:27

The family of Gadidae contains fish such as the cod and haddock. There are 24 species of fish in this family, all of which are marine with the exception of one, the Lota lota.Gadidae are united by several characteristics. These fish have a single chin barble, three dorsal fins, two anal fins, and a diphycercal tail. Their pelvic fin is anterior to their pectoral fin, located along the same axis and close to their rostral end. The Atlantic cod specifically is very R-Selected and females of about 5kg will lay 9 million eggs. As a fish gets larger, they produce more eggs of course. Cod are relatively long lived and live to be about 25 years of age. They are predators and will eat both other fish and invertebrates. Due to their low red muscle and high white muscle conent, Cod are the perfect food fish. Their high presence in the north eastern united states have made them an economic staple. Unfortunately commercial fishing has dimminished their populations.
