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Abstract retype

Submitted by bthoole on Fri, 10/12/2018 - 13:07

    A methods section of a scientific paper has the potential to have the greatest impact on the lasting legacy of a scientific paper. The methods section is what is used to replicate a paper’s experiment and serves to try and replicate the results. In the fall 2018 Writing in Biology class offered at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, a project was assigned to demonstrate this point.  I conducted this project by first writing a methods section that included how to find a previously discovered spiderweb, photograph it and then turn the images into a multi-paneled figure.This was followed by another student in the class being given the methods section with the task of following as best as possible so as to try and produce an identical replicate of the final multipanel figure. Once a duplicate figure was made, I set out to identify observable differences between the two figures and from that, infer what could have caused the differences. Being able to identify differences in an end product and what may have caused them will be an important part in understanding not only the data that this experiment generated, but data that any experiment may produce. Even if the methods section is written as precisely as possible, small variables may still cause an end product to be different and the ability to recognize what is different and why is how best to understand what the experiment’s results mean.




This is a great paragraph. However, I would suggest changing this phrase "to try and" in the second sentence of the paragraph because it sounds a little bit informal. I think it should be "and try to"; that would be the correct wording. Another way to make that sentence sound more formal would be to change the end of that sentence all together; maybe you could say "The methods section is what is used to replicate a paper’s experiment in order to achieve similar results".

This is a well written paragraph and captures the readers attention. The only suggestion I can make is to make sure you use past tense instead of presnet tense.