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Results draft

Submitted by curbano on Thu, 10/11/2018 - 23:03

I observed a total of four main differences between my original multi-panel figure (Figure 1) and the replicated figure (Figure 2). I observed differences in the original photographs taken and the replicated photographs. First of all, it is difficult to see the spider web in the close up photograph of the spider web. In the replicated Panel A, I mostly see the pipe of the radiator rather than the web. I also observed that the color and positioning of the pencil used in the replicated photo is different from my original. The pencil I used was yellow while the replicated photograph has a red pencil. For the replicated Panel B, I noticed that the photograph did not include the same amount of the rug, doorway, or wall as my original Panel B. The replicated image included the ceiling in the Morril 4 hallway, but my original photo did not.

In addition to differences in the photographs, I found differences in the editing and formatting of the multi-panel figures. Panel A and Panel B look much narrower and taller than my original Panel A and Panel B. In the replicated figure, the letters A, B, and C are bigger than the boxes they are meant to fit in. The letters are also missing a period after them. The boxes for letters A and B appear to be in a different position than the boxes in the original multi-panel figure. Finally, I noticed that the sizing and placement of the black star varies between the two multi-panel figures.

