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Intro/discussion draft

Submitted by curbano on Thu, 10/11/2018 - 10:01

When choosing a spider web to photograph and create a figure from, there were six factors I considered for replicability. I considered the angle of the camera, positioning of the photographer, the lighting, the type of pencil used, and my directions when capturing the spider web and its environment. I chose a spider web located indoors to avoid the factor of weather. For the formatting and editing of the multi-panel, I considered the clarity of my methods.

I observed a total of four main differences between my original multi-panel figure (Figure 1) and the replicated figure (Figure 2). I observed differences in the original photographs taken and the replicated photographs. First of all, it is difficult to see the spider web in the close up photograph of the spider web. In the replicated Figure A, I mostly see the pipe of the radiator rather than the web. I also observed that the color and positioning of the pencil used in the replicated photo is different from my original. The pencil I used was yellow while the replicated photograph has a red pencil. For the replicated Figure B, I noticed that the photograph did not include the same amount of the rug, doorway, or wall as my original Figure B.

