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draft methods

Submitted by amdicicco on Mon, 10/01/2018 - 12:24

A map was included in the figure to show where the web was located.  To avoid copyright issues, the map was taken as a screenshot from To find the location, I typed in the closest permanent fixture near the bush which was Franklin Dining Hall. is not too detailed so I screenshotted a larger area to show more buildings, and the whole Permaculture Garden. This screenshot was wider than it was tall. The screenshot showed from the Shade Tree Lab past Clark Hall and the grass area past Franklin. Due to the large area covered in the map, I included a red circle which showed the exact location of the web on the bush. In order to not confuse the viewer, I also constructed a key in the bottom right-hand corner that showed the same circle and wrote location of web next to it. The key was placed onto a white background that was outlined in black to make it easily seen.
