Looking at the two sets of images on page 3, there are observable similarities between the photos which we can use to infer that one was taken first and then described to achieve the second set. Based on that, there are other observable differences between the photos, first of which is layout and design. The first set of three images has images that are different sizes and are not touching each other, with varying levels of space between them. Photo “A” is singularly on the left and is longer than photo “B” but ends slightly at the start of photo “C”. Photos “B” and “C” are stacked on the right, but again, are not bordering one another. This contrasts to the observations of the second figure, which features the three pictures bordering one another in the same layout scheme (A on the left and B and C stacked) but done so on a different scale. Not only do the pictures border, they are different sizes. “A” is much larger and is the height of “B” and C” stacked. Photos “B” and “C” are the same size and are stacked to the right of photo “A”. In addition to layout formatting, the size of the labels is comparable. Both series of images used a capital letter followed by a period and both sets used the same label in the same location for what was meant to be the comparable photo. However, the second series of images used a larger font to make the labels and thus are more visible.
Another observable inconsistency with the photos is the use of arrows. The first observable difference between the series is that the first used blue arrows and the second used white arrows. Another difference is the directionality of the arrows and the placement in the picture. In the first series photo “B” there is only one arrow, but it bends to point upward. In the second series, there are instead two arrows, one pointing diagonally down and one pointing diagonally up. It is inferred that these arrows were meant to be pointing toward something of noticeable value, although it would appear that they are pointing to different things in the different series and it was not held consistent in any description, not only on how to make the arrows and where to put them, but what exactly they should be pointing out.
Another observation is the color of the sky. In the first photo series, all three pictures feature a blue sky. In the second series, the sky is darker, gray and cloudy. From this it can be inferred that the series were taken on different days that had different weather. It can be furthered inferred that the second series had weather that was of stormy conditions, which can be coupled with the observations that the water was rippled, and leaves of the tree were pointing at an angle, not hanging straight down. From those observations it can be inferred that it was windy and that coupled with the gray sky can lead to the stormy inference.
Another inference that can be made is that the comparable photos between the two series were taken at different locations and angles. While the subject matter is relatively the same, the observations of different views of the buildings in the back lead one to infer that the camera angle was different, thus causing it to capture more or less of the buildings in the back.
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